28 Days Later

Genius Way ’28 Days Later’ Director Was Able To Make London Look Completely Empty
Columbia Pictures

Genius Way ’28 Days Later’ Director Was Able To Make London Look Completely Empty

Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later achieved an iconic, desolate depiction of London, but it wasn’t a result of high-tech effects. Instead, the film crew relied on clever tricks to create the illusion of an abandoned city. To avoid disrupting the bustling streets of London, the crew exclusively shot scenes during early Sunday mornings when traffic

Genius Way ’28 Days Later’ Director Was Able To Make London Look Completely Empty Read More »

Common DVD And Blu-Ray From 2000s Worth Surprising Amount Of Money

Common DVD And Blu-Ray From 2000s Worth Surprising Amount Of Money

The 2002 zombie apocalypse film 28 Days Later directed by Danny Boyle has seen its physical DVD and Blu-ray copies skyrocket in value. Due to the movie’s limited availability on streaming platforms and its physical copies being out of production, collectors are now willing to pay top dollar for them. In some cases, a Blu-ray

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