Archaeologists working near Mexico’s famous Pyramid of the Sun uncovered a 2,000-year-old green serpentine mask that has captivated both experts and the public. Discovered during a 2011 dig by Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History, the mask was found alongside ceremonial items believed to be part of an inauguration ritual for the ancient site. Its lifelike design has led some researchers to speculate that it could represent an individual, possibly an important figure from the Teotihuacan civilization.

The mask’s discovery has sparked comparisons to the iconic green mask worn by Jim Carrey in the 1994 film The Mask. Social media users were quick to joke about the resemblance, with comments like “Ssssmokin’!” and warnings to avoid trying it on. However, archaeologists are more focused on its historical significance, as it offers potential insights into Teotihuacan’s ritual practices and cultural connections with other Mesoamerican regions.
A 2000 year old green serpentine mask found at the base of a pyramid in Mexico
byu/Luciphyr729 ininterestingasfuck
Teotihuacan, once home to a thriving population of 200,000, remains a mystery in many ways. The city’s original name, purpose, and the reason for its eventual decline are still unknown. The Pyramid of the Sun, one of the largest structures in the pre-Columbian Americas, continues to hold secrets, with rooms beneath the temple potentially hiding more ceremonial artifacts.
Experts like Verónica Ortega, director of the conservation project at the site, believe these findings will deepen our understanding of Teotihuacan’s cultural significance. As they piece together the mysteries of this ancient metropolis, the mask stands as a reminder of the city’s influence and the complexity of its people’s lives.