26 Year Old Mom of 22 Biological Children Claims She Won’t Stop Until She Has 100

26 Year Old Mom of 22 Biological Children Claims She Won’t Stop Until She Has 100
Credit: Instagram/batumi_mama

At just 26 years old, Kristina Ozturk is not your typical mom. With 22 children already under her belt, she’s setting her sights on a family that could easily rival a small village’s population. Yes, you read that correctly. Kristina dreams of having over 100 children, and if you thought managing your one or two was a circus, imagine the logistics at the Ozturk household!

Living in Georgia, this Russian mother’s story sounds like something straight out of a reality TV show. She and her millionaire husband, Galip Ozturk, have embraced surrogacy to expand their brood rapidly. In just one year, they welcomed 21 babies, adding to Kristina’s first child from a previous marriage. That’s enough to field two soccer teams with a few substitutes!

Galip, who’s currently serving time for legal issues, hasn’t let his circumstances dampen his family aspirations. Meanwhile, Kristina is busy managing a household that most of us can’t even fathom. From organizing staff schedules (because, let’s face it, you’d need a small army to manage that many kids) to shopping for a family that could easily fill a bus, her days are anything but dull.

Despite the chaos, Kristina finds joy in her unique family life, sharing glimpses into their world on Instagram, where she’s become quite the sensation. Followers are treated to reels introducing each member of the clan, from the toddlers all named with an admirable sense of alphabetical order to the family’s collective adventures.

But Kristina isn’t just about quantity; she’s keen on providing quality parenting advice too. Drawing from her extensive experience, she’s even penned a book offering wisdom for young parents. Because when you have 22 kids before hitting 30, you’re bound to have a tip or two about managing mayhem with grace.

So, if you ever feel overwhelmed with your handful of kids, just think of Kristina Ozturk. She’s living proof that when it comes to family size, the sky—or perhaps the local zoning laws—is the limit.