900-Year-Old Book From Vatican Gives Exactly When ‘Judgement Day’ Will Come

900-Year-Old Book From Vatican Gives Exactly When ‘Judgement Day’ Will Come

A 900-year-old Vatican book known as The Prophecy of the Popes has resurfaced with a bold claim about the timing of Judgement Day. Written in the 12th century by Irish bishop Saint Malachy, the text is said to predict the identities of all popes from Celestine II in 1143 up to the current pontiff, Pope Francis. The prophecy suggests that after Pope Francis, a final pope—referred to as “Peter the Roman”—will oversee the Church during a period of great tribulations, culminating in the end of the world.

According to the text, Judgement Day is expected to take place in the year 2027. The book states that following this last pope, “the seven-hilled city [Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.” Some interpretations suggest that Pope Francis’ successor will mark the end of the Catholic Church as it currently exists. This belief has gained traction in certain religious circles, particularly given Pope Francis’ ongoing health struggles.

Many scholars, however, argue that the Prophecy of the Popes is a forgery, likely written in the late 16th century to influence papal elections. Critics note that while earlier predictions in the book seem accurate, later ones become vague and unreliable. The Catholic Church itself acknowledges that while some of Malachy’s descriptions have loosely matched historical popes, many have been incorrect or too ambiguous to be taken seriously.

Despite the skepticism, the idea that an ancient prophecy might have accurately predicted modern events continues to fascinate people. Whether Judgement Day arrives in 2027 or not, the text remains an intriguing part of religious and historical lore, leaving believers and skeptics alike to wonder what the future holds.

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