After 27 Minutes of Death, Woman’s Mysterious Message Confirms the Afterlife

After 27 Minutes of Death, Woman’s Mysterious Message Confirms the Afterlife

In an astonishing event that took place in February 2018, Tina Hines from the United States was brought back to life after being clinically dead for nearly half an hour.

Following a sudden cardiac arrest, and despite her husband Brian’s desperate resuscitation attempts, Tina was declared dead. Miraculously, after being revived six times by medical professionals during her transport to the hospital, she remained in a state beyond the living for 27 minutes.

Once conscious, her first act was to request a pen and paper, on which she wrote a compelling note: “It’s real.” This vague message, clarified by Tina’s upward nod when asked for details, hinted at her witnessing something beyond worldly comprehension during her near-death experience.

She recounted seeing vivid colors and a figure she identified as Jesus, adding her story to the collection of near-death experiences (NDEs) that intrigue both the public and the scientific community.

Such experiences have spurred research, including a notable study by Dr. Jimo Borjigin and his team at the University of Michigan, which found significant brain activity surges in dying rats, suggesting the brain’s heightened activity during the dying process.

While science seeks explanations, Tina Hines’ profound experience stands as a testament to the mystery of life and death, leaving many to wonder about the reality of an afterlife.