Alissa Milano is Being Criticized For Going to the Superbowl

Alissa Milano is Being Criticized For Going to the Superbowl

Alyssa Milano found herself in a bit of a pickle (and not the fun, edible kind) when she decided to hit up the 2024 Super Bowl with her son Milo, just weeks after passing around the digital hat for his baseball team’s trip to New York. Milano, who’s no stranger to the spotlight, shared a snapshot from the game, showing the duo enjoying the spectacle from seats that didn’t exactly scream “bargain bin.” Given that the cheapest tickets to the Super Bowl are known to make wallets weep, fans were left scratching their heads, wondering how Milano, reportedly sitting on a $10 million nest egg, could justify crowdfunding for junior’s baseball excursion.

Milano’s social media post, adorned with hashtags celebrating the mother-son bond, quickly became a magnet for incredulous comments. Fans pointed out that even the most budget-friendly Super Bowl tickets are known to run a couple grand, and those are the ones you have to win in a lottery. The peanut gallery was quick to revisit Milano’s January plea for $10,000 to send her son’s baseball team to the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame, questioning whether a star of her caliber really needed to pass the hat.

In response to the uproar, Milano took to social media to clarify her contributions to the team, which included covering uniform costs, throwing birthday parties, and sponsoring any kid unable to afford monthly dues. She emphasized the team’s own fundraising efforts, which ranged from car washes to movie nights, painting a picture of a group effort rather than a celebrity bailout.

Despite the backlash, Milano’s GoFundMe appeal for the team’s trip exceeded its goal, proving that even amidst controversy, the internet can come together for a cause. The actress has since kept mum on the outrage, perhaps choosing to let her actions (and her bank account) speak louder than words.

In the grand scheme of things, Milano’s Super Bowl saga serves as a reminder that celebrity parents, just like their less famous counterparts, face the eternal struggle of balancing public perception with private realities. And while the jury’s still out on whether celebrities should dip into crowdfunding waters, Milano’s experience is a testament to the complexities of navigating fame, finance, and family in the digital age.