Angelina Jolie Said A Sex Scene With Denzel Washington Was The ‘Best Sex’ She Ever Had

Angelina Jolie Said A Sex Scene With Denzel Washington Was The ‘Best Sex’ She Ever Had

Angelina Jolie has never been one to shy away from making headlines, but this time she’s caught the public’s eye with a revelation that’s raised more than a few eyebrows. The acclaimed actress declared that the “best sex” she ever had was not off-screen, but rather on-screen with none other than Denzel Washington in their 1999 film, “The Bone Collector.”

In this chilling crime thriller, Jolie plays Amelia Donaghy, a police officer on the hunt for a serial killer with a penchant for leaving a rather grim calling card—bones extracted from the victims. Washington portrays Lincoln Rhyme, a quadriplegic forensics expert, who despite his physical limitations, possesses a brilliant mind that becomes Amelia’s crucial ally in solving the gruesome murders.

During an interview with Dark Horizons following the movie’s release, Jolie elaborated on the unique chemistry between her and Washington’s characters. She highlighted a particular scene where her character employs both her intellect and sensory perception to seduce Lincoln, a moment she described as the “best sex I ever had.” According to Jolie, the mental engagement and the intellectual connection they shared was a significant turn-on, underscoring that sometimes, the brain is indeed the most erogenous zone.

Despite the steamy on-screen interaction, Jolie admitted that filming “The Bone Collector” was a somewhat solitary experience for her. Delving into the psyche of a character so deeply involved in the grim world of crime took its toll, pushing her to the brink of feeling “a bit nuts.” The role demanded not just physical but also emotional and mental fortitude, with Jolie confessing that it nearly drove her insane, echoing the inner turmoil of her character, Amelia.

While “The Bone Collector” might not have swept the board in terms of critical acclaim—garnering a modest 28 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and a 6.7/10 on IMDb—it certainly left an indelible mark on Jolie, illustrating the profound impact that deeply immersive roles can have on an actor’s psyche.

This revelation about Jolie’s most memorable cinematic experience provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of acting, where the lines between reality and fiction blur, and where emotions on screen can sometimes resonate more deeply than those off-screen. As for Jolie’s exes, they might just have to come to terms with the fact that sometimes, even a Hollywood heartthrob can’t compete with a well-crafted script and a co-star like Denzel Washington.