Buzz Aldrin Responded With Violence When He Was Accused Of Faking Moon Landing

Buzz Aldrin Responded With Violence When He Was Accused Of Faking Moon Landing

Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the Moon, famously punched a conspiracy theorist named Bart Sibrel in the face back in 2002. Sibrel, who believed that the 1969 moon landing was faked, confronted Aldrin outside a hotel in Beverly Hills and accused him of lying about his historic achievement. Sibrel repeatedly called Aldrin a “liar,” “coward,” and “thief,” and demanded that he swear on the Bible that he had been to the Moon.

The confrontation escalated when Sibrel got in Aldrin’s face, leading the then 72-year-old astronaut to punch Sibrel in the jaw. The incident was caught on camera, and Sibrel attempted to press charges against Aldrin. However, the court dismissed the case, citing Sibrel as the instigator of the altercation. The court concluded that a jury would be unlikely to find Aldrin guilty of misdemeanor battery under the circumstances.

Aldrin later commented on conspiracy theorists like Sibrel, stating that he doesn’t pay attention to them and believes they are just trying to make a name for themselves. The video of Aldrin’s punch remains a memorable moment for many, symbolizing his frustration with those who attempt to discredit his and NASA’s accomplishments.