Country Radio Station Under Fire For Openly Refusing to Play Beyonce Song

Country Radio Station Under Fire For Openly Refusing to Play Beyonce Song

In the land of country music, where twangs rule and cowboy boots do the talking, an Oklahoma radio station found itself in the eye of a Beyoncé-shaped storm. The Queen Bey, known for her ability to slay in just about any genre she touches, decided to grace the country scene with a couple of tracks. However, 100.1 KYKC radio station, a bastion of country tunes in Oklahoma, initially decided that Beyoncé’s foray into their sacred genre wasn’t worth the airplay.

Cue the BeyHive, Beyoncé’s fiercely loyal fanbase, who swarmed social media faster than you can say “All the single ladies.” A disappointed listener shared an email exchange with the station, which basically amounted to “Thanks, but no thanks, we’re a country station,” when asked to play Bey’s “Texas Hold ‘Em.” The BeyHive didn’t take this lying down, launching a digital campaign to educate the station on the country credentials of Beyoncé’s new project.

Amidst the buzz, some fans decided to dial up the station, only to be told Beyoncé’s track wasn’t chart-topping enough for their tastes. Yet, in a twist worthy of a country ballad, the station’s copyright holder hinted they’d spin the track if it climbed higher up the charts. Lo and behold, the station did a 180 faster than a line dancer on Red Bull, adding “Texas Hold ‘Em” to their playlist and announcing it with all the fanfare of a rodeo champion.

But the plot thickens—or thins, depending on your view of country music’s historical roots. Some fans argued the station’s initial reluctance smacked of discrimination, pointing out country music’s debt to Black musicians. The station, caught in the crosshairs of a cultural showdown, defended its stance by saying they just hadn’t heard the song yet. Once they did, they played it, thus proving they’re not the country music gatekeepers they were made out to be.

Roger Harris, the general manager of Score Broadcasting, tried to clear the air by explaining their side of the story, which essentially boiled down to, “We didn’t know, now we do, and yes, we love Beyoncé too.” He emphasized the difficulties of being a smaller station and how they’re just trying to keep up with the big boys but assured everyone that they’ve been Beyoncé fans since day one.

In the end, the station added Beyoncé’s track to not one, but three of their stations, proving that even in the world of country music, Queen Bey reigns supreme. This saga has been a reminder that music knows no boundaries, and perhaps, just perhaps, country radio might be ready to embrace a little more diversity in its lineup. Or, at the very least, they’ve learned not to mess with the BeyHive.