Couple Intentionally Divorce and Re-Marry Every 3 Years

Couple Intentionally Divorce and Re-Marry Every 3 Years

A Japanese couple from Tokyo has been going through a unique practice of divorcing and remarrying every three years to keep their own surnames. The couple, who met in college and married in 2016, decided on this arrangement after a disagreement about whether the wife should change her surname after marriage. The husband initially believed it was customary for women to take their husband’s surname, but the wife wanted to retain her maiden name due to her professional identity and nickname.

To find a compromise, they agreed to alternate their surnames every three years. After pulling straws during their honeymoon to decide who would start with their surname, the couple began their unconventional marriage arrangement. However, this led to practical challenges, such as the wife being unable to use her maiden name while working abroad for security reasons, which made her unhappy. To stick with their agreement, they divorced and remarried using her surname.


Their unique approach stemmed from a need to navigate Japan’s strict surname laws, which require married couples to share the same surname. The Tokyo District Court ruled that they should petition to keep their surnames separate, recognizing their marriage from abroad. Despite the hassle, the couple has chosen to continue with this arrangement, stating that it maintains fairness in their marriage.

The couple’s story has sparked discussions about the complexities of marriage laws and identity, especially in cultures where traditional practices are deeply embedded. While their method is unusual, it reflects their commitment to respecting each other’s identities within their marriage.