Dog Owners Are Being Warned Not to Give Their Dog Certain Food

Dog Owners Are Being Warned Not to Give Their Dog Certain Food

Pet owners, it’s time to rethink those snack-sharing habits with your furry friends! As much as we love to treat our dogs like part of the family, especially when they flash those irresistible puppy eyes, some common human snacks can be harmful to their health. Veterinarian Dr. Barbara Royal has raised the alarm on a few popular foods that might be doing more harm than good to your canine companions.

First on the list is the seemingly innocent pizza crust. While you might think that last slice of pizza won’t go amiss in your dog’s stomach, Dr. Royal advises against it. Many processed foods, including those tasty crusts, contain ingredients like corn, wheat, soy, and white potato, which can be problematic for dogs. Particularly, white potato skins contain solanine, a toxic compound that’s a big no-no for your pooch.

Next up are sweets and biscuits. Sugar is a huge no-no for dogs, and you’re probably already aware that chocolate is a big red flag due to its toxicity to canines. But it’s not just chocolate—any sugary treats should be off-limits. Dr. Royal emphasizes that pets’ diets should align with their evolutionary needs. For dogs, this means low-carb, high-protein meals, not the sugary snacks we humans might crave.

When it comes to crisps or any salty snacks, it’s best to resist the urge to share. The high salt content in these snacks can lead to inflammation and other health issues for pets. While one tiny crisp might not seem like a big deal, consistently feeding your dog salty snacks can have long-term negative effects.

Now, let’s talk about peanut butter. This one might come as a surprise since many dog owners use peanut butter as a treat or to disguise medications. However, Dr. Royal has observed cases where dogs presented with allergies and chronic issues improved significantly once peanut butter was removed from their diet. It turns out, this beloved treat might not be so benign after all.

So, what’s the takeaway for devoted pet owners? While it’s tough to say no to those pleading eyes, it’s crucial to be mindful of the snacks you share with your dog. Opting for healthy, species-appropriate treats not only keeps your dog safe but also contributes to their overall well-being. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian about the safest dietary choices for your furry friend.