Expert Shares 3 Signs You’re Addicted To Sex

Expert Shares 3 Signs You’re Addicted To Sex
YouTube/Cedar Tree Counseling, Ltd.

According to therapist Nicholas Amitrano, there are three key signs that might suggest someone is struggling with sex addiction. The first sign is finding it difficult to go without sexual behaviors, even when aware that these habits are problematic. This could mean being unable to stop certain practices for just a few days or a week. The second sign is prioritizing sexual gratification over other areas of life, leading to neglect of responsibilities at work, school, or in personal relationships.


The third sign involves engaging in risky or inappropriate behaviors to satisfy the need for excitement. These behaviors could escalate over time, from safe practices to more dangerous or socially unacceptable actions. Examples include inappropriate public behavior, such as masturbating in public or engaging in unwanted advances. As addiction grows, individuals might engage in riskier activities to experience the same level of excitement they initially felt.

Amitrano emphasizes that recognizing these behaviors is an important step toward seeking help. He advises those struggling with addiction to consider support options like 12-step programs or working with friends as accountability partners. Seeking counseling from a specialist in sex addiction can also be beneficial for those looking to regain control of their lives.

If you or someone you know exhibits these signs, professional help is available. Sex Addicts Anonymous offers resources, including contacts for specific groups such as women and the LGBTQ+ community.