Experts Chime In Over Viral 160-Year-Old Painting That Shows ‘Time Traveler With An iPhone’

Experts Chime In Over Viral 160-Year-Old Painting That Shows ‘Time Traveler With An iPhone’

A 160-year-old painting titled “The Expected One” has gone viral for seemingly showing a woman holding what looks like an iPhone. Painted by Austrian artist Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller in the 19th century, the artwork depicts a young woman walking through nature while a man waits for her with a flower. In the painting, the woman is seen looking down at a small rectangular object in her hands, sparking speculation and humor online about potential time travel.


Peter Russell, a visitor who noticed the resemblance, explained that the object was likely a prayer book, which viewers in the 1850s would have immediately recognized. However, due to modern technology, people now interpret it as a smartphone. This shift in perspective has highlighted how changes in technology can influence our interpretation of historical art.

The viral painting led to a lively debate on social media. Some people jokingly insisted that the woman must be a time traveler holding an iPhone, while others criticized these interpretations, emphasizing the importance of understanding historical context. One art expert, Gerald Weinpolter, clarified that the woman is actually holding a small prayer book, not a modern device.

Despite the expert clarification, the painting continues to fascinate viewers, drawing attention to how modern technology can alter our perception of past works of art. The humorous discussions online have made the painting a popular topic, showing how even centuries-old art can find new life in today’s digital age.