Experts Explains One Flirting Technique That Works Almost Every Time

Experts Explains One Flirting Technique That Works Almost Every Time

In the labyrinthine world of love and dating, where every move is scrutinized and every word weighed, a group of intrepid psychologists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Bucknell University, and the State University of New York embarked on a quest. Their mission? To decode the enigmatic language of flirting. The result? A revelation that might just change the dating game forever: humor is your best friend when it comes to wooing your crush.

Yes, forget the pickup lines that sound like they were borrowed from a cheesy 90s sitcom or the overwrought romantic gestures that could make even Romeo and Juliet cringe. The study, examining 40 different flirting tactics with 1,000 participants, found that a well-timed joke or a shared laugh is the universal key to unlocking a potential partner’s interest.

Professor Mons Bendixen threw light on this phenomenon, suggesting that, especially for men eyeing long-term relationships, being funny is the golden ticket. On the flip side, women who aren’t looking for anything serious might not prioritize a partner’s wit as much, though they do appreciate a good laugh.


Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, another brain behind the study, emphasized that flirting is all about sending and receiving the right signals. Humor, it seems, sends signals that are hard to misinterpret and easy to appreciate, acting as a kind of romantic glue that binds people together.

Interestingly, the study also touched on the ‘sexual strategies theory,’ which sounds like it could be a manual for medieval courtship but is actually a modern explanation of how and why we pick our partners. It turns out our ancestors might have been onto something when they decided that the way to a mate’s heart was through their funny bone.

So, as you prep for your next date, perhaps leaf through a joke book or rehearse a witty anecdote. Remember, in the grand theater of romance, being able to laugh and make laugh is not just an act—it’s the main event. And if you’re worried about your jokes falling flat, just remember: even a bad joke is a shared experience, and sometimes, that’s all it takes to spark a connection.