Experts Shocked At Footage Of ‘Skin-Walker’

Experts Shocked At Footage Of ‘Skin-Walker’
Pen News

Texas resident Michael “Dumas” Demel recently captured an image of a mysterious creature on his trail cam, sparking a flurry of speculation. The creature, spotted near Dubina, Texas, has left experts baffled, with no clear identification. Demel, who regularly monitors wildlife with three different cameras, described the sight as unlike anything he’d seen in his 10 years of photographing wildlife. Initially thinking it resembled a monkey, Demel has received a variety of responses, from it being a chupacabra to an alien or a “skin-walker.”

Pen News

After showing the image to neighbors, family, and experts, Demel still has no definitive answer. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department even struggled to identify the creature, with their mammologist unable to make a positive identification due to the photo’s quality. Some suggested it might be a white-tailed deer fawn, but the department ruled that possibility out, citing the animal’s size.

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Demel, who works in construction equipment sales, stated that he’s seen thousands of game photos over the years, but this particular sighting was unprecedented. The creature’s strange appearance continues to puzzle both experts and locals, leading to more questions about what was truly captured.

This incident adds to the growing list of mysterious sightings in the Texas region, where stories of chupacabras have circulated for years. While the mystery remains unsolved, it continues to stir interest in the legendary creature and the unexplained sightings in the area.