Fake Brad Pitt Catfished Two Women Out Of $360,000

Fake Brad Pitt Catfished Two Women Out Of $360,000

A group of scammers in Spain has been arrested for posing as Brad Pitt and conning two women out of $361,000. The criminals led the women to believe they were in a romantic relationship with the Hollywood star, convincing them to invest in fake projects. The victims, from Andalusia and the Basque Country, lost $194,000 and $166,000 respectively.

Spanish police revealed that the scammers had studied their targets’ social media profiles and created psychological profiles to exploit their vulnerabilities. Using instant messaging platforms, they pretended to be Brad Pitt, promising the women a future together. Five people have been arrested in connection with the scam, with authorities seizing mobile phones, bank cards, and a diary containing the fraudulent scripts used to deceive the victims.


Police were able to recover $94,500 of the stolen money. The case highlights the dangers of online scams, where fraudsters often use sophisticated methods to manipulate and defraud vulnerable individuals. The incident is part of a larger trend of cybercriminals exploiting the anonymity of the internet to commit fraud on unsuspecting victims.

This case serves as a warning to be cautious of online interactions, especially those involving financial requests or promises of romantic relationships with celebrities. The emotional and financial damage caused by these scams can be devastating, making it crucial to remain vigilant and skeptical of too-good-to-be-true offers online.