A devastating tragedy unfolded during the Los Angeles wildfires as Anthony Mitchell, 67, and his son Justin, who had cerebral palsy, were found dead in their Altadena home. Anthony, an amputee who used a wheelchair, chose to stay behind to care for his bed-bound son while waiting for an ambulance that never arrived. As flames engulfed their property, the two perished together, with Anthony found next to Justin’s bed.
Anthony’s daughter, Hajime White, shared the heart-wrenching details of their final moments. She recalled a phone call from her father on the morning of the fire, saying, “The fire’s in the yard.” She later learned that the caregivers who usually assisted Anthony and Justin were unavailable, leaving them trapped as the inferno advanced. Anthony leaves behind a large family, including four children, 11 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.
The ongoing wildfires have caused immense devastation, with over 30,000 acres burned in Los Angeles County alone. The Palisades Fire, one of the largest in the county’s history, has destroyed thousands of homes and prompted mass evacuations. Fire officials warn that extreme fire behavior is still a significant risk under red-flag conditions.
This tragic incident highlights the human toll of the wildfires and underscores the need for improved emergency response systems for vulnerable residents. Support for those affected can be directed through donations to organizations like the Red Cross, which are actively assisting displaced families.