Felon Who Attacked Vegas Judge Back in Court, Sentenced By Same Judge

Felon Who Attacked Vegas Judge Back in Court, Sentenced By Same Judge

Deobra Redden, the man who previously attacked Las Vegas Judge Mary Kay Holthus, returned to court for his sentencing, facing the same judge he had assaulted.

During the court session in Clark County District Court on Monday, Redden appeared with a face mask, hand covers, and was flanked by guards, a precautionary measure following his last courtroom outburst. In the previous incident, Redden had shockingly leaped over the bench to attack Judge Holthus as she was preparing to sentence him for attempted battery.

This time, the court proceedings were notably calmer. Judge Holthus maintained composure throughout the sentencing and did not reference the prior attack. She sentenced Redden to 19-48 months in prison, aligning with the prosecution’s request, showing no leniency in her decision.

Given the circumstances, it’s understandable why Judge Holthus imposed a strict sentence. Following the attack, Redden was placed in isolation and classified as a “2C” inmate, the most restrictive classification at the Clark County Jail. The footage of his aggressive leap over the bench to reach the judge had been widely circulated.

Adding to his legal troubles, Redden now faces 13 charges related to the assault on Judge Holthus. He is scheduled to return to court for these charges on Tuesday. With his sentencing and the additional charges, it’s hoped that any further disruptive behavior will be minimized, especially considering the strict environment of his incarceration.