Female DoorDash Driver Dresses as Man to Feel Safer at Night

Female DoorDash Driver Dresses as Man to Feel Safer at Night
Credit: TikTok/tiazakher

In a world where nighttime deliveries are more lucrative yet arguably riskier, one DoorDash driver, Tia (@tiazakher on TikTok), has come up with a unique solution to feel safer while on the job: she disguises herself as a man. This revelation, shared on TikTok, sheds light on the lengths some feel compelled to go to ensure their personal safety in an industry where vulnerability can often be a concern.

Tia’s transformation isn’t just about throwing on a baggy jacket and joggers; it’s a meticulous process aimed at concealing her identity as a woman to deter potential threats. Equipped with straight-leg cuffed joggers, an oversized jacket, a cap, and chunky white trainers, Tia zips up her jacket and steps into the night, armed with a persona designed to provide an added layer of security.

The video, which has amassed over 400,000 views, struck a chord with many, sparking a flurry of supportive comments and additional safety tips from the TikTok community. Suggestions ranged from adopting baggier pants to adding a hint of men’s perfume to complete the guise. It seems that for Tia, and perhaps many others, blending in is not just about style—it’s a survival tactic.


male privilege ???

? meaty get on your zoom – Queenzzielocthevoice

Andrea Simon, Director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition, contextualizes this phenomenon, noting that experiences of sexual harassment and violence against women are alarmingly common across various professions, not just for delivery drivers. The inherent risks are magnified when workers have direct access to customers’ private spaces, such as their homes.

The dialogue around Tia’s strategy is more than just a conversation about personal safety measures; it’s a reflection on broader societal issues. At its core, the need for such disguises underscores the pervasive gender inequality and the sense of entitlement some feel toward women’s bodies and spaces. Simon’s insights remind us that these individual safety strategies, while resourceful and necessary, are symptomatic of deeper systemic problems that warrant urgent attention.

Tia’s story is a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by women in male-dominated spaces, especially in roles that require entering unfamiliar environments at odd hours. It’s a call to action, not just for individuals to take necessary precautions, but for society and industries to address the root causes of these safety concerns and work towards a world where women, like Tia, can perform their jobs without the need for disguise.