In 1998, American couple Tom and Eileen Lonergan vanished during a scuba diving trip off Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, leaving behind a chilling message that sheds light on their tragic fate. The couple, part of a 26-person diving group, was unknowingly left behind when their boat departed 60 km offshore. It wasn’t until the boat reached the mainland that the crew realized the Lonergans were missing.
Months later, a fisherman discovered a dive slate 160 km from the couple’s last known location. The note read: “Monday Jan 26, 1998, 08am. To anyone who can help us: We have been abandoned on Agincourt Reef by MV Outer Edge 25 Jan 98 3pm. Please help us… before we die. Help!!!” The message suggests the Lonergans were alive for at least a day after being stranded.

Following an extensive search, items including a wetsuit matching Eileen’s size and diving gear were found washed ashore, but the couple’s bodies were never recovered. Experts speculated the tears in the wetsuit might have been caused by coral, dismissing the idea of a shark attack depicted in the 2003 film Open Water, which was inspired by their story.
The boat’s skipper, Geoffrey ‘Jack’ Nairn, faced manslaughter charges but was acquitted. His company, however, pleaded guilty to negligence and subsequently went out of business. The tragedy remains a stark reminder of the risks of scuba diving and the devastating consequences of human error.