Here Are The 43 Countries Trump Will Ban From Coming To The US If Deficiencies Are Not Addressed ‘Within 60 Days’

Here Are The 43 Countries Trump Will Ban From Coming To The US If Deficiencies Are Not Addressed ‘Within 60 Days’

Donald Trump has announced that 43 countries could face a US travel ban if their governments fail to address security deficiencies within 60 days. The list divides countries into three categories: those facing a complete travel ban, those with sharply restricted visas, and those given a final chance to comply with US demands.

A full travel ban is set to be imposed on Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. Meanwhile, countries facing strict visa restrictions include Belarus, Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and Turkmenistan. The remaining 22 nations, including Angola, Cambodia, Mali, and Zimbabwe, have until March 21 to improve their screening and vetting processes or face similar restrictions.


Trump’s move follows an executive order titled “Protecting the United States from Foreign Terrorists and Other National Security and Public Safety Threats.” The order calls for an assessment of each country’s ability to provide sufficient data on travelers seeking entry to the US. Officials will also review how many nationals from these countries have entered the US since Biden’s presidency and whether they have engaged in any criminal activity.

The policy has already sparked international criticism, with several affected nations calling the ban discriminatory. Legal challenges are also expected, as opponents argue it disproportionately targets nations with large Muslim populations. The White House has not yet responded to requests for comment.