If you ever find yourself confronted by an aggressive dog, experts advise staying calm and avoiding sudden movements. According to the RSPCA, most dog attacks occur when the animal perceives a threat, even if none is intended. Moving toward an aggressive dog, especially in its perceived territory, can escalate the situation, so it’s best to stay still and let the dog assess you from a safe distance.
If a dog approaches but isn’t barking or growling, it may simply be curious. In this case, remain calm and let it sniff you. However, if the dog shows clear signs of aggression—such as barking, growling, or baring its teeth—avoid direct eye contact and do not smile, as showing teeth can be perceived as a challenge. Running away can trigger the dog’s instinct to chase, so instead, back away slowly while keeping your body relaxed and speaking in a soothing tone.

If an attack seems imminent, put an object between you and the dog, such as a coat, bag, or anything you’re carrying. Should the dog bite, focus on protecting your head and neck. If knocked to the ground, curl into a fetal position, cover your face with your arms, and keep your hands in fists to minimize exposed fingers.
If possible, try to circle away from the dog while keeping your side facing it rather than turning your back. Call out for help rather than shouting at the dog, as loud, aggressive noises can make the situation worse. Understanding these steps can help de-escalate a dangerous encounter and increase your chances of avoiding serious injury.