‘House of the Dragon’ Fans Creeped Out, Shocked By New Incest Scene

‘House of the Dragon’ Fans Creeped Out, Shocked By New Incest Scene

In the latest episode of House of the Dragon, viewers were left shocked and disturbed by a particularly controversial scene. The show, known for its intense and often controversial content, pushed boundaries yet again with a hallucination sequence involving Daemon Targaryen, played by Matt Smith, and his deceased mother, Alyssa Targaryen. This unsettling scene, which depicts an incestuous encounter, has sparked strong reactions from fans.

House of the Dragon has consistently featured dark and complex themes, but this episode appears to have crossed a line for many. In the scene, Daemon experiences a vision where his mother praises him and expresses regret that he was not born first. This encounter quickly turns intimate, leading to a wave of discomfort among viewers.


Fans took to social media to express their dismay, with many finding the scene both cringe-worthy and unnecessary. Comments ranged from outright disgust to questioning the creative decisions behind including such a moment. One viewer described the scene as “next level disgusting,” while another questioned the show’s increasing focus on incestuous themes.

Despite the backlash, some fans argued that such a scene is a natural consequence of the Targaryen family’s complicated history with romantic and familial boundaries. They pointed out that the Targaryens have long been depicted as blurring the lines between these relationships, making Daemon’s hallucination a reflection of this legacy.

Overall, this episode has ignited a debate among House of the Dragon fans about the limits of storytelling in the series. While the show is known for its willingness to tackle difficult and taboo subjects, this particular scene has raised questions about how far is too far in the pursuit of dramatic impact.