Incredible Video Shows Scientists Pouring Concrete In Ant ‘Mega-City’

Incredible Video Shows Scientists Pouring Concrete In Ant ‘Mega-City’

Scientists were astonished to discover a massive ant mega-city underground after pouring 10 tonnes of cement into an abandoned ant hill. The experiment, part of the documentary Ants! Nature’s Secret Power, revealed a vast underground network, spanning 50 square meters and reaching 8 meters deep. The intricate city featured tunnels, chambers, and even side roads, all built by a colony of ants.


It took weeks of digging to uncover the full scale of the structure, showing just how detailed and precise the ants’ work was. The colony had shifted 40 tonnes of dirt to create their home, an astonishing feat considering the strength of ants, who can carry up to 50 times their body weight. The network was a testament to the collective efforts of the ant colony, rather than the work of a single leader.


While the mega-city was abandoned, experts explained that ants often leave their nests due to threats from predators or environmental conditions, like flooding. The documentary highlighted the incredible capabilities of ants, showcasing their strength and teamwork in building such a complex environment.

The discovery has been hailed as a remarkable insight into the natural world, offering a glimpse into the engineering prowess of ants. This abandoned ant city demonstrates the extraordinary abilities of these small creatures to create highly organized and functional societies underground.