Intimacy Expert Shares How Long Sex Should Last On Average

Intimacy Expert Shares How Long Sex Should Last On Average

Intimacy experts recently shared insights on how long sex should last during an episode of The Diary Of A CEO podcast. Psychiatrist Dr. Alok Kanojia revealed that the average duration of physical intercourse for most couples ranges between three to seven minutes. Contrary to what’s often portrayed in adult films, where scenes can last significantly longer, Kanojia explained that prolonged sessions are not necessarily the norm or even desired. He pointed out that around 50% of the women he’s spoken to don’t want sex to last more than 15 minutes.

The discussion aimed to debunk unrealistic standards set by the adult industry, which can lead to issues like body dysmorphia and performance anxiety. Dr. Kanojia emphasized that these portrayals create unhealthy expectations, resulting in feelings of shame for many. He noted that there is a lot of “bad information” out there, affecting people’s perceptions of their own bodies and sexual performance.

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Sexual health expert Dr. Rena Malik also highlighted the different timelines it takes for men and women to reach climax, with men typically taking five to six minutes on average, while it may take women around 14 minutes. This discrepancy can sometimes cause misunderstandings or self-doubt between partners, but knowing these statistics can help create a more understanding approach to intimacy.


The experts agreed that many people are too focused on frequency and duration, rather than simply enjoying the experience. The goal should be to let go of unrealistic comparisons and concentrate on mutual satisfaction and comfort, instead of trying to meet exaggerated standards seen in media.