Jeffrey Epstein’s Old Flight Logs Showing Trips by Presidents Clinton and Trump Resurface Ahead of Upcoming Doc Dump

Jeffrey Epstein’s Old Flight Logs Showing Trips by Presidents Clinton and Trump Resurface Ahead of Upcoming Doc Dump
Old flight logs from Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “Lolita Express” jet have resurfaced, revealing that former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were among the high-profile individuals who traveled on the aircraft.
These revelations come just before a significant court records release, anticipated to disclose hundreds of names connected to Epstein’s sex-trafficking operations.

The logs, which became public during Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial two years ago, show both the 42nd and 45th U.S. presidents associating with Epstein.

Clinton is anticipated to be identified as “John Doe 36” in documents from a 2015 lawsuit by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre, expected to be released soon. These documents reportedly mention this particular John Doe over 50 times.

The flight logs, which have been publicly available since December 2021, have recently circulated on social media, highlighting the repeated appearances of Clinton and Trump’s names across the 118 pages. Other prominent figures like lawyer Alan Dershowitz, former U.S. Senator George Mitchell, and Prince Andrew were also identified as passengers.

Trump is noted to have taken at least seven trips on Epstein’s private plane between 1993 and 1997, sometimes accompanied by family members.

Despite their known association and regular appearances at formal events, the logs do not suggest that either Trump or Clinton visited Epstein’s Caribbean island, a notorious hub for his s*x-tr*fficking activities.

Clinton, on the other hand, was a more frequent flyer, taking at least nine trips to various international destinations including Paris, Bangkok, and Brunei. Despite being photographed on the jet numerous times and hosting Epstein at the White House on at least 17 occasions, Clinton has denied any wrongful connections with the convicted s*x offender.

As the new year unfolds, Clinton is expected to be revealed as one of the 170 individuals, previously referred to as John and Jane Does, linked to Epstein. However, the upcoming documents are not anticipated to implicate Clinton in any illegal activities. They are expected to shed light on many individuals’ associations with Epstein, including accusers, alleged victims, and those who were part of his inner circle or allegedly participated in his criminal activities.