Kansas City Chiefs Fans Found Frozen to Death ‘Saw Something they shouldn’t have’ Parents Claim

Kansas City Chiefs Fans Found Frozen to Death ‘Saw Something they shouldn’t have’ Parents Claim

The parents of David Harrington, one of three Kansas City Chiefs fans found deceased under mysterious circumstances outside a friend’s residence, suspect foul play in their son’s death, contrary to official statements.

David Harrington, aged 37, was discovered outside Jordan Willis’ home on January 9, following a gathering to watch the Chiefs versus the Los Angeles Chargers. Ricky Johnson, 38, and Clayton McGeeney, 36, were also found on the premises.

Willis, unaware of the men’s presence outside, had reportedly been asleep for nearly two days post-game, his lawyer John Picerno stated. The discovery was made during a police welfare check.

While awaiting toxicology reports, Jon Harrington, David’s father, expressed skepticism towards Willis’ account, telling Fox News Digital, “[Harrington’s mother] and I are both convinced that Jordan Willis played a part in this somehow. We just haven’t figured out how yet. … What else could it be? Perfectly healthy men don’t just drop off the face of the Earth.” He added, “There were four of you in the house and now three of them are dead and you’re not. That doesn’t add up.”

Jon Harrington speculated, “I’m thinking that he, the three of them learned something or saw something that they shouldn’t have seen, and he decided, ‘Well, I need to get rid of you now.’ Friends or not.”

He also voiced concerns that authorities might oversimplify the deaths as drug overdoses, stating, “But I don’t think it’s as simple as that. I’m aware that they may have done some substances that were questionable — but the idea was to get high, not dead … If they were supposed to be friends, why didn’t [Willis] come find them. I’m sure they have a hundred different answers to that, but that’s my question.”

Jennifer Marquez, Harrington’s mother, echoed the sentiment, doubting her son would succumb to a drug overdose and suspecting Willis’ involvement. “Yes, I believe that something happened that night and that Jordan had something to do with it,” she said. Marquez criticized Willis for not leaving his house for two days post-incident, suggesting it gave him time to “get rid of and clean up evidence.”

She also expressed frustration over the lack of drug or alcohol tests conducted on Willis since the discovery. “Jordan’s not telling the truth,” Marquez asserted. “When you tell the truth, your story is solid. It’s when you’re lying that your story changes, and that’s what’s been happening. I don’t understand why the police don’t see that.”

Despite these allegations, Kansas City police maintain that Willis is not under suspicion, and the case is not being treated as a homicide. No arrests have been made.

A fifth individual present that night claimed all were alive and watching “Jeopardy!” when he departed around midnight. Police confirmed Willis consented to a home search.

Following the incident, Willis, a senior principal scientist at IAVI Neutralizing Antibody Center’s Schief Lab, relocated from the rental property, citing fears of “retaliation,” according to Picerno.