Kate Winslet Broke A World Record For Holding Breath Underwater, Thought She Had Died

Kate Winslet Broke A World Record For Holding Breath Underwater, Thought She Had Died
20th Century Studios

Kate Winslet recently broke Tom Cruise’s underwater breath-holding record while filming Avatar: The Way of Water, holding her breath for an impressive seven minutes and 15 seconds. In a lighthearted moment captured on video, Winslet surfaced and asked, “Am I dead?” after completing the feat. She was overjoyed upon learning she had beaten her own previous record by a full minute, and she immediately wanted to share the news with director James Cameron.


Winslet underwent three weeks of intense training to prepare for the underwater scenes, learning how to control her oxygen distribution with the help of elite military divers. Despite initial concerns, she embraced the challenge, determined to prove her capabilities and avoid any assumptions that her age might limit her. Winslet’s drive to break the record wasn’t just for the film—she saw it as an opportunity to push her limits.

The actress explained that while she didn’t have to hold her breath for so long for the film, the opportunity to set a new personal record was too tempting to resist. Her previous record was six minutes and 14 seconds, which she smashed during the filming process. Winslet expressed disbelief and pride in achieving the feat, emphasizing her desire to continuously challenge herself.

The training and record-setting moment were significant not only for the film but also for Winslet personally. She reflected on how she doesn’t let limitations stand in her way, embracing challenges as they come. Her dedication to the role and her willingness to push herself to new extremes demonstrate her commitment to both her craft and personal growth.