Kelly Osbourne Said Anyone Against Using Ozempic to Lose Weight is ‘P**sed Off That They Can’t Afford It’

Kelly Osbourne Said Anyone Against Using Ozempic to Lose Weight is ‘P**sed Off That They Can’t Afford It’

Kelly Osbourne recently stirred the pot with her hot take on Ozempic, a medication primarily used for Type 2 diabetes, now doubling as Hollywood’s latest weight loss trend. During a red carpet chat at Dolly Parton’s Pet Gala, Osbourne suggested the backlash against Ozempic’s off-label use for slimming down stems from envy and economic disparity. In essence, she believes the haters are just salty because they can’t afford the pricey treatment themselves. “There are a million ways to lose weight, why not do it through something that isn’t as boring as working out?” Osbourne quipped, perhaps overlooking the fact that not everyone’s bank account is as padded as their pilates mats.

Osbourne’s comments landed with a thud, prompting a wave of criticism from fans who found her perspective to be, let’s say, less than relatable. Social media users were quick to point out the irony of wealthy individuals snagging a diabetes drug for cosmetic reasons while those with the actual disease struggle to access the treatment. “Diabetics can’t get life-saving treatment but Kelly Osbourne is putting it down to hating and being broke,” lamented one commenter, summing up the general vibe of the public’s response.

This isn’t Osbourne’s first rodeo with controversy. Who could forget her 2015 faux pas on “The View” when she awkwardly attempted to critique Donald Trump’s immigration policies and ended up offending a whole lot of people? Reflecting on the incident years later, Osbourne admitted to Rolling Stone that live TV might not be her strongest suit and acknowledged the power of words, especially when they come out all wrong.

Fast forward to the present, and it seems Osbourne’s foot-in-mouth syndrome has yet to be cured. Her recent Ozempic commentary has reignited discussions about celebrity privilege, the ethics of drug repurposing, and the ever-blurry line between health and vanity. As the backlash unfolds, one can’t help but wonder if a sequel to her “most cringe moment” is in the making. In the meantime, the rest of us will continue to navigate the less glamorous avenues of weight management, like hitting the gym or, heaven forbid, cutting back on the late-night snack raids.