Lily Allen Received ‘Death Threats’ After Returning Puppy To Shelter

Lily Allen Received ‘Death Threats’ After Returning Puppy To Shelter

Lily Allen recently addressed the backlash she received after revealing on her podcast that she returned her dog, Mary, to a shelter because the dog chewed up her family’s passports, preventing her children from visiting their father in London. Allen explained that while the passports incident was the final straw, Mary had ongoing behavioral issues, including severe separation anxiety. Despite efforts to train the dog and seek help from a behavioral specialist, the family decided that their home was not the best fit for Mary. They rehomed her with someone they knew within 24 hours to ensure her well-being.

Following the revelation, Allen faced significant criticism on social media, including death threats and negative comments, which she attributed to distorted media reports. She expressed frustration over how the story was presented, arguing that the backlash was fueled by clickbait articles that misrepresented the situation. Allen emphasized that she has been a responsible pet owner her entire life and was deeply distressed by the accusations.


Animal rights organization PETA criticized Allen for laughing while discussing the incident, suggesting she was insensitive to the dog’s plight. In response, Allen defended herself, stating that laughing about painful experiences is a normal coping mechanism and reiterating that the decision to rehome Mary was made with the dog’s best interests in mind. She called PETA’s response “dangerous” and accused them of spreading misinformation.

Allen concluded by urging people not to engage with sensationalized stories that promote division and misinformation. She highlighted the importance of understanding the full context before reacting, especially when the welfare of animals and the well-being of families are concerned.