Lily Allen Speaks Up After Backlash For Returning Puppy To Shelter

Lily Allen Speaks Up After Backlash For Returning Puppy To Shelter

Lily Allen recently faced significant backlash after revealing that she rehomed her dog, Mary, after the puppy chewed up her and her daughters’ passports. Allen explained on her podcast that the incident occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to costly and complicated logistical issues, including her children being unable to visit their father in England. After receiving harsh criticism online, including accusations of being an irresponsible pet owner, Allen clarified on Instagram that the decision to rehome the dog was made after much effort to train her, as the dog suffered from severe separation anxiety and behavioral issues.


Allen emphasized that the decision was not made lightly and was done in consultation with the shelter and professionals. She stated that the dog was rehomed to someone they knew within 24 hours and that Mary’s happiness and welfare were the central concerns. Allen also expressed her frustration with the media for misrepresenting her actions and causing her to receive hate and even death threats.

The singer asked people to avoid jumping to conclusions based on sensationalized news articles and stressed that her family’s well-being had been affected by the backlash. Allen ended her statement by urging for more understanding and less toxicity in the public discourse.

Overall, Lily Allen’s experience highlights the challenges and public scrutiny that come with celebrity status, especially when personal decisions are misunderstood or misrepresented in the media.