Madonna ‘Publicly Names And Shames’ Producer She Used Witchcraft On And Dated In 90’s

Madonna ‘Publicly Names And Shames’ Producer She Used Witchcraft On And Dated In 90’s
Credit: Instagram/@madonna/@dallasaustins

Madonna, the queen of pop and perhaps now the queen of tea-spilling, made her Celebration tour stop in Atlanta unforgettable by sharing a spicy slice of her past. Amidst the dazzling performances and the hit songs, Madonna paused to reminisce about a love affair that wasn’t just in the music but also behind the scenes. The subject? None other than music producer Dallas Austin.

Picture this: The stage is set, the crowd is hyped, and Madonna, in all her glory, decides it’s storytime. She delves into her romantic past, revealing a fling with Austin during the creation of her 1994 album “Bedtime Stories.” But it wasn’t all sweet melodies and love songs. According to Madonna, while she was head over heels, Austin apparently wasn’t playing the same tune.

In a bold move that’s classic Madonna, she didn’t just hint at the identity of her former lover-turned-musical-collaborator; she went full-on billboard announcement, declaring, “His name is Dallas Austin.” Talk about not leaving fans to connect the dots!

Madonna’s confession was more than just a juicy tidbit for the gossip columns; it was a glimpse into the personal life of an icon who’s always been as intriguing off-stage as on. She admitted to being so smitten with Austin that she dabbled in Santeria, attempting to conjure some love magic. Unfortunately, her mystical endeavors didn’t quite pan out, leading her to quip, “Oh well, your loss,” with the kind of sass only Madonna can deliver.

While the love story might not have had the fairy tale ending Madonna hoped for, it certainly didn’t dampen the magic of her “Bedtime Stories” album, a project she described as magical, thanks to the collaboration with incredible musicians. It’s a testament to the idea that even when love goes awry, great art can still emerge from the heartache.

Madonna’s candid share adds a new layer to the legend of a woman who’s never shied away from expressing herself, whether through her music, her fashion, or her words. As fans soaked in the revelation, the pop icon seamlessly transitioned back to her musical journey, leaving the crowd buzzing with more than just her electrifying performance.

In the world of pop music, where the lines between personal and public often blur, Madonna’s unfiltered storytelling was a reminder of her enduring charm and her willingness to bare her soul, not just in her lyrics but in her life tales. And for Dallas Austin? Well, he’s now a permanent fixture in the Madonna lore, a footnote in the storied career of a music legend who continues to captivate and surprise her fans with every note and every word.