Man Doesn’t Like How Police Described His Hair On His Wanted Photo, So He Reached Out To Them

Man Doesn’t Like How Police Described His Hair On His Wanted Photo, So He Reached Out To Them
Credit: Facebook/Avon and Somerset Police

In an amusing twist that feels like it’s straight out of a sitcom, Daniel Kellaway, a 29-year-old from the UK, became an overnight social media sensation—but not for the reasons you might expect. Kellaway, who found himself on Avon and Somerset Police’s radar for several offenses including threatening behavior, decided to engage in a bit of online banter directly on his own wanted poster on Facebook, particularly taking issue with how his hair (or lack thereof) was described.

The police’s appeal for information on Kellaway’s whereabouts took a comedic turn when the man in question, rather than laying low, chose to critique the police’s mention of his “receding brown hair.” His response? A cheeky comment about heading to Turkey to sort out his hairline before having a catch-up with the cops. He even asked for a birthday update to the poster, highlighting his recent age change and a preemptive hair makeover for a transplant.

The interaction not only garnered hundreds of reactions from the public, finding humor in the situation, but also raised eyebrows. Some found the light-hearted exchange amusing, while others, like retired detective Mick ­Neville, hinted that Kellaway’s laughing days might soon be over as the police intensify their search.

Credit: Facebook/Avon and Somerset Police

In a related incident, another fugitive, Sonny Wescott, took to social media to express his displeasure, not about his hair, but about a misspelling of his surname on a wanted poster by the same police force. Wescott’s response was less about his appearance and more about his name’s accuracy, displaying another unique interaction between law enforcement and those they seek.

These incidents open up a conversation about the interplay between social media and law enforcement, demonstrating how wanted individuals use platforms to interact with public appeals for their capture. While Kellaway and Wescott’s responses brought a touch of humor to a serious situation, they also underscore the changing dynamics of how information is shared and responded to in the digital age.

Avon and Somerset Police remain focused on their mission, reminding the public to report any sightings or information that could assist in their investigations. Meanwhile, the rest of us are left to ponder the curious case of the fugitives who couldn’t resist a final word—even if it’s just about their hair or name.