Man Found Out His Foot Is Numb Because His Puppy Chewed His Toe To The Bone During A Nap

Man Found Out His Foot Is Numb Because His Puppy Chewed His Toe To The Bone During A Nap

David Lindsay, a 65-year-old retired builder from Cambridge, had his life saved in an unexpected way by his bulldog puppy, Harley. While David was asleep on the couch, Harley began chewing on his big toe, gnawing down to the bone and even fracturing it. David was startled awake by his wife’s screams, only to discover that his toe had been severely damaged. Surprisingly, David didn’t feel any pain during the incident, which led to a shocking health revelation.

Upon visiting Addenbrooke’s Hospital, doctors discovered that David had two blocked arteries in his leg, which had caused his foot to go completely numb. The doctors informed him that if the condition had gone unnoticed, he was at risk of losing his leg. Thanks to Harley’s unusual behavior, the condition was caught in time, and doctors were able to take steps to restore blood flow to his leg.


David underwent treatment, including intravenous antibiotics to prevent infection and a CT scan to assess the damage. The doctors were working to determine whether stents could be fitted to open up the blocked arteries. David expressed his gratitude for Harley, stating that the dog had unknowingly saved his life by chewing on his toe. He even joked that if his toe couldn’t be saved, he would take it home for Harley as a keepsake.

After spending over a week in the hospital, David was discharged and reunited with his heroic pup. The ordeal left David more appreciative of his pet, who he credits with alerting him to a potentially life-threatening condition. Despite the bizarre nature of the incident, David remains grateful and is determined to keep both his dog and, if possible, his toe.