Man Lives With Condition That Makes Everyone’s Face Look Like A Demon

Man Lives With Condition That Makes Everyone’s Face Look Like A Demon
Antônio Mello/Dartmouth College

Prosopometamorphopsia (PMO) is a rare condition affecting only 81 known individuals worldwide, causing them to perceive faces as distorted. This condition can make faces appear demonic or akin to reflections in a funhouse mirror. Antônio Mello, a PhD student at Dartmouth College, has provided visualizations of how people with PMO see faces, revealing significant variations in the distortions experienced by different individuals.

Victor Sharrah, a 59-year-old from Nashville, shared his experience of suddenly waking up to find that faces he once saw as normal now appeared disturbing. He described the phenomenon as akin to seeing everyone as creatures from a horror movie. Due to the rarity and misunderstood nature of PMO, some individuals have been misdiagnosed with psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and have been inappropriately treated with antipsychotics.


Brad Duchaine, a professor of psychological and brain sciences at Dartmouth, highlighted the challenges faced by PMO patients. Many hesitate to discuss their condition due to fear of being perceived as having a psychiatric disorder. Duchaine emphasized the importance of recognizing PMO as a visual system problem rather than a mental health issue, to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

This rare and misunderstood condition underscores the complexities of human perception and the importance of accurate diagnosis. For those with PMO, raising awareness and understanding can help reduce misdiagnoses and provide better support and treatment for those affected.