Man Shocked At What Was In Cave Under Property He Owned For 50 Years

Man Shocked At What Was In Cave Under Property He Owned For 50 Years
YouTube | ActionAdventureTwins

American YouTubers James and Edward, known as the ActionAdventureTwins, made a shocking discovery while exploring a cave on a property that had been owned by a family for over 50 years. In their latest video, the twins, alongside fellow adventurer Davis from CaveChronicles, found what they believe to be human bones deep inside the cave. As they ventured further, the group came across numerous bones scattered throughout the cave, including what appeared to be a human skull. The eerie discovery left the group rattled, with one of them remarking, “Dude, there’s so many bones down there.”

YouTube | ActionAdventureTwins

In the comments section of their YouTube video, viewers weighed in, with some medical professionals asserting that the bones did appear to be human remains. A paramedic viewer from Canada commented, “Definitely a human femur and a human cranium,” while others speculated on the size and shape of the bones. Davis confirmed that the bones were likely Native American, based on a follow-up call he received from the Division of Archeology. He shared that the area was a known hotspot for Native American tribes, and over 200 arrowheads had been found on the property in the past.

YouTube | ActionAdventureTwins

The bones are believed to date back to the Woodland period, approximately 500 to 1,000 years ago, though they could be as old as 3,000 years. This discovery has since attracted attention from archeologists, who may further investigate the site to better understand its historical significance. The landowner was reportedly unaware of the cave’s existence or the treasure trove of ancient artifacts beneath his property.

As more details emerge, the story continues to captivate viewers. The ActionAdventureTwins, known for their dangerous cave explorations, have once again stunned their audience with a find that merges adventure with history, leaving fans eagerly awaiting their next expedition.