Man Shows Difference Between Smoking And Vaping With Alarming Experiment

Man Shows Difference Between Smoking And Vaping With Alarming Experiment
YouTube/Chris Notap

A recent experiment by YouTuber Chris Notap has shown a stark comparison between the effects of smoking and vaping on the lungs. Using a glass dome filled with cotton balls to simulate lungs, Chris demonstrated what happens after a month of smoking versus vaping. The results were alarming, with the dome exposed to cigarette smoke accumulating sticky, brown tar, while the one exposed to vape clouds showed only minor condensation and discoloration.

YouTube/Chris Notap

While vaping left much less residue than smoking, Chris emphasized that neither option is truly safe for the lungs. He stressed that vaping should be used only as a tool to quit nicotine, not as a long-term solution. The NHS echoes this sentiment, advising that both smoking and vaping should eventually be stopped to avoid health risks.

The video sparked strong reactions, with many viewers expressing their disgust at the damage smoking does. Several commenters even pledged to quit smoking after seeing the experiment’s outcome, highlighting its impact in raising awareness of the dangers of both smoking and vaping.