Man Sues 50 Women Who Said He Was A Bad Date, Claims ‘Emotional Distress’

Man Sues 50 Women Who Said He Was A Bad Date, Claims ‘Emotional Distress’
Credit: X/@MurreyLucas

Stewart Lucas Murrey, a resident of Santa Monica, found himself at the center of a rather unusual legal battle. Instead of the common disputes over property lines or noise complaints, Murrey took a bold step – he attempted to sue 50 women who, in a private Facebook group, allegedly claimed he was a ‘bad date.’ This group, aptly named “Are We Dating The Same Guy?” has become a digital gathering spot for over 50,000 members, sharing tales of dating woes and warnings about potential Mr. Wrongs.

Murrey’s legal action stemmed from posts within this group, where members had discussed his alleged dating faux pas. These women didn’t just share stories; they posted pictures, tracked whereabouts, and even, according to Murrey, “fabricated entire stories.” His lawsuit claimed that these actions were not only damaging but also amounted to cyberbullying, seeking a whopping $2.6 million in damages for the emotional turmoil he endured.

In the digital age, where the line between public and private life blurs, the group’s mission was to provide a space for women to share their experiences and perhaps save someone else from a bad date. But when does sharing cross into defamation? That’s the murky water Murrey aimed to navigate through his lawsuit.

The twist? The Superior Court of California didn’t buy into Murrey’s narrative, tossing out the case. This decision didn’t just serve as a relief for the accused women; it also set a precedent about the boundaries of free speech and the definition of defamation within the context of private online groups.

This case opened up a can of worms about the nature of such Facebook groups. Are they a necessary tool for women to share their experiences and protect each other, or do they tread a fine line between safety and slander? And for the men discussed within these groups, like Murrey, where does one draw the line between public critique and private harassment?

While the court has made its stance clear by dismissing the case, the debate rages on. Social media has given rise to new forms of interaction and information sharing, but it has also created complex legal and ethical dilemmas. Murrey’s lawsuit, though unsuccessful, shines a spotlight on these issues, urging a closer look at how we navigate the digital world’s social norms and legal boundaries.