Man Sues Company For $1.5 Million After Being Fired For Peeing In Times Square Hotel Lobby

Man Sues Company For $1.5 Million After Being Fired For Peeing In Times Square Hotel Lobby

Richard Becker, a former Lenovo employee, is suing the company for $1.5 million after being fired for urinating in the lobby of a Times Square hotel. Becker, who suffers from a severe bladder condition that requires frequent restroom use, explained that he was overwhelmed by the need to urinate after a work meeting and could not make it to his hotel room 12 blocks away. Instead, he discreetly relieved himself in a “vestibule” area of the hotel, which he claimed was deserted.

Becker argues that Lenovo was aware of his medical condition and that his termination was a case of discrimination. According to Becker, his colleagues knew about his condition and even mocked him for his frequent bathroom visits. Despite his disability, Becker claims he was let go without notice or severance pay just four days after the incident. He alleges that the decision was made by a higher-up who reported him out of spite.


Court documents state that Lenovo fired Becker with full knowledge of his medical condition, which is legally recognized as a disability. The filing emphasizes that his actions had no impact on his job performance or Lenovo’s business operations. Becker also highlighted his significant contributions to the company, including helping grow its business by 200% during his tenure.

An employee from the hotel contradicted Becker’s account, stating there is no area known as the “vestibule” and noting that there were lobby toilets available for use. Becker’s lawsuit seeks damages for what he views as unjust termination and discrimination based on his medical condition.