Man Survived 6 Weeks At Sea After Being Attacked By Orcas

Man Survived 6 Weeks At Sea After Being Attacked By Orcas

In 1972, the Robertson family embarked on a global voyage, but disaster struck when their boat was attacked by killer whales, forcing them to abandon ship. Stranded at sea for 38 days with limited supplies, the family, along with a 22-year-old student named Robin Williams, had to find ways to survive in the harsh conditions.

Survive the Savage Sea by Dougal Robertson

To stay alive, they turned to unconventional methods, like drinking turtle blood and eating dried turtle meat, ideas Douglas Robertson had learned from survival books. Their situation became even more desperate when their inflatable raft sank, leaving them with only a small dinghy to navigate the vast ocean.

The family faced numerous challenges, including a terrifying storm where lightning struck dangerously close. Despite their dire situation, they managed to catch and eat a five-foot shark, relying on instinct to know which parts were safe to consume.

After weeks of uncertainty, their ordeal came to an end when a Japanese fishing trawler spotted their distress flare and rescued them, bringing them to safety in Panama on July 28. Their incredible story of survival is a testament to human resilience and resourcefulness in the face of extreme adversity.