Matt Damon Turned Down The Most Money Any Actor Would Have Received For A Role

Matt Damon Turned Down The Most Money Any Actor Would Have Received For A Role

Matt Damon has expressed regret over turning down a role that could have earned him an unprecedented payday. In a 2021 interview, the acclaimed actor revealed that he declined the opportunity to star in James Cameron’s blockbuster film, Avatar. At the time, Cameron had offered Damon not only the leading role of Jake Sully but also a staggering 10 percent of the film’s box office profits. This decision, as Damon later acknowledged, was a significant financial and professional miss.

Damon turned down the role because he was deeply involved in the post-production of The Bourne Ultimatum. Despite being one of Hollywood’s top actors, known for his roles in franchises like Bourne and Ocean’s Eleven, Damon couldn’t foresee the immense success Avatar would achieve. The film went on to become the highest-grossing movie in history at its time, grossing over $2.9 billion worldwide. If Damon had accepted Cameron’s offer, his share of the profits could have amounted to approximately $250 million, an amount surpassing any actor’s earnings from a single role to date.

20th Century Fox

Reflecting on the decision, Damon admitted that his biggest regret wasn’t solely about the lost money. He lamented missing the chance to collaborate with Cameron, a filmmaker known for his select but highly impactful filmography. In a conversation with Christian Bale for GQ in 2019, Damon noted that Cameron had directed only a few films, making the missed opportunity even more poignant. Damon realized that by turning down Avatar, he might have forfeited his only chance to work with the renowned director, which he described as “brutal.”

Damon’s career has been filled with significant successes, and he continues to be a sought-after actor in Hollywood. However, the decision to pass on Avatar is a recurring reflection point for him, illustrating the unpredictable nature of film industry opportunities and the lasting impact of career choices. While Damon’s impressive filmography and success are undeniable, this instance serves as a reminder of the complexities and potential regrets even the most successful actors can face.


Despite this, Damon’s candid reflections highlight the importance of career priorities and timing. His choice to focus on The Bourne Ultimatum at a critical juncture of its production was driven by a sense of responsibility and commitment to the project at hand. This story resonates with many, underscoring the difficult decisions professionals often make and the unpredictable outcomes that follow.