Missing Guy Returns To Family Farm In Same Clothes He Went Missing In 30 Years Ago

Missing Guy Returns To Family Farm In Same Clothes He Went Missing In 30 Years Ago
YouTube/Unexplained Mysteries

Romanian cattle farmer Vasile Gorgos, who went missing 30 years ago, has mysteriously reappeared with no memory of what happened to him. Vasile, now 95, vanished in 1991 during a routine trip to sell cattle. Despite extensive searches by his family and police, he was not found, and his family eventually assumed he had died, holding several memorial services in his honor.

In September 2021, Vasile reappeared at the gate of his farm, wearing the same clothes he had on when he disappeared, complete with an old train ticket in his pocket. Witnesses reported seeing a car speeding away from the scene, but the vehicle’s registration was not recorded. Upon his return, Vasile appeared confused but otherwise healthy, although he had difficulty recognizing his son and daughter.

Medical checks confirmed that Vasile was in good health for his age, despite some neurological issues. He could remember significant details from his past, such as his birth year, the death of his wife, and his father’s occupation as a famous merchant, but struggled with recent memories. Vasile’s son expressed confusion over his father’s condition, noting that Vasile seemed to talk about his life raising and selling cows as if no time had passed.

The family is now seeking answers and urging anyone with information about Vasile’s whereabouts during the past 30 years to come forward. The mysterious circumstances of his disappearance and sudden return have left them and the community puzzled and searching for clues.