More People Saying You Should Ask Your Baby Permission To Change Their Diaper

More People Saying You Should Ask Your Baby Permission To Change Their Diaper

Sexuality educator Deanne Carson recently reignited controversy by suggesting that parents should ask their baby’s permission before changing their diaper. Carson believes that even though babies can’t verbally respond, they can communicate their consent through body language and eye contact. She first shared this idea during an interview on ABC News in 2018, which led to widespread criticism from parents and social media users.

Carson’s approach sparked intense debate online, with many parents expressing disbelief and concern. Some critics argued that waiting for a baby’s consent before changing a diaper could lead to unhygienic conditions. Others felt that while teaching consent is crucial, Carson’s suggestion was impractical and unrealistic, especially for young children who can’t articulate their needs.

The discussion was further fueled when a popular childcare chain, Only About Children, adopted similar advice, encouraging parents to ask for their child’s cooperation during diaper changes. Their guidelines suggested that engaging the child in the process could foster a sense of independence and participation.

The topic remains polarizing, with some people supporting the idea of teaching consent from an early age, while others believe the concept is being taken too far. The debate underscores the ongoing conversation about parenting practices and the importance of consent in early childhood development.