New Aerial Footage Shows Progress of Saudi Arabia’s $1 Trillion Behemoth ‘The Line’

New Aerial Footage Shows Progress of Saudi Arabia’s $1 Trillion Behemoth ‘The Line’

In what seems like a plot lifted from a sci-fi novel, Saudi Arabia has embarked on a grandiose construction adventure, aptly named ‘The Line.’ With a budget that makes even the most extravagant billionaire’s yacht look like a dinghy, this $1 trillion project aims to redefine urban living by, well, drawing a line in the desert. At 170 kilometers long and 200 meters wide, ‘The Line’ is less of a city and more of an architectural exclamation point, boldly stating, “Yes, we did this.”

Designed to house a staggering 9 million people, ‘The Line’ is essentially a skyscraper laid on its side because, in the future, vertical living is so passé. The idea of cramming millions into a linear city in the desert might sound like the setup for a dystopian novel, but Saudi Arabia assures us it’s the blueprint for utopia. Picture waking up in a mirrored skyscraper, stepping outside to be greeted by…more skyscraper, as far as the eye can see. How cool? Questionable. How hot? Definitely.

Challenges? Oh, there were a few. Getting this behemoth off the ground was about as easy as convincing a cat to take a bath. But after throwing a casual trillion dollars at the problem, ‘The Line’ is now well underway, proving that with enough money, you can indeed make even the most “almost impossible” projects possible.

Giles Pendleton, the Chief Operating Officer for ‘The Line,’ recently shared some aerial shots that have given the world its first glimpse into what living in this future city might be like. The images, likely snapped by a drone suffering from altitude sickness, reveal the early stages of what could be the world’s longest hallway. From the mountains to the sea, ‘The Line’ stretches, a testament to human ingenuity, ambition, and perhaps a slight touch of megalomania.

Now, as intriguing as living in a linear city might be, one has to wonder about the practicalities. Will there be a really, really long bus service? Can you rollerblade to work? And what about the weather? Saudi Arabia promises climate-controlled gardens spanning the entire length of ‘The Line,’ turning the harsh desert into a slice of suburban paradise, complete with picket fences made from futuristic materials, no doubt.

Despite the skepticism, ‘The Line’ has its sights set on completion by 2030. As construction continues, the world watches with bated breath, wondering if this ambitious project will indeed become the next wonder of the modern world or if it’ll serve as a cautionary tale about the limits of hubris. Either way, it’s going to be one heck of a ride—hopefully on a really, really long train.