New UFO Documentary Was Filmed In Secret, Claims To Have Made ‘The Biggest Discovery’ Of All Time

New UFO Documentary Was Filmed In Secret, Claims To Have Made ‘The Biggest Discovery’ Of All Time
YouTube | Age of Disclosure

A new documentary, The Age of Disclosure, claims to uncover an 80-year cover-up about the existence of non-human intelligent life and efforts by nations to reverse-engineer alien technology. Directed by Dan Farah, the film features interviews with 34 senior officials from the U.S. government, military, and intelligence agencies, including prominent figures like former Department of Defense official Lue Elizondo, Senators Marco Rubio and Kirsten Gillibrand, and ex-Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper. The documentary also draws on insights from scientists, military witnesses, and experts in advanced physics.

The trailer, released on January 22, highlights the film’s ambitious scope, addressing alleged national security risks, government transparency issues, and a secretive arms race to harness extraterrestrial technology. The documentary’s creators emphasize its unprecedented access to high-level sources, aiming to validate claims that UFOs—referred to as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs)—are real and have long been studied in secret.


The film has already garnered excitement ahead of its premiere at the 2024 SXSW Film Festival. Social media users have praised its polished production and the caliber of interviewees, with many expressing hope that it will provide long-awaited answers. Some have described the trailer as “chilling” and a potential turning point in the public’s understanding of UFO phenomena.

The Age of Disclosure arrives amidst growing attention to UAPs, including Congressional hearings and bipartisan efforts like the UAP Disclosure Act. These movements reflect increasing acknowledgment of UFO-related issues as serious topics of national and global importance.