NFL Reporter Announces Death Of His 2 Year Old Daughter

NFL Reporter Announces Death Of His 2 Year Old Daughter

NFL reporter for the Boston Herald, Doug Kyed, has shared the heart-wrenching news of the passing of his 2-year-old daughter, Hallie.

In an emotional Instagram post dated Jan. 22, Kyed revealed, “Hallie died peacefully in her sleep on Sunday morning as Jen and I held her hands in bed.”

Hallie had been battling acute myeloid leukemia since her diagnosis in April 2023. Despite undergoing a bone marrow transplant, she recently relapsed, and her chemotherapy treatments ceased to be effective.

Kyed fondly remembered Hallie in his post, describing her as his “koala baby, my little Hallie Bear, my Sour Patch Kid.” He recalled how she would excitedly call him for walks around the hospital and tenderly pat his back when lifted from her crib. “She was so beautiful, naturally funny (and knew it) and was going to be a star in dance class. Doctors, nurses and hospital staff loved seeing which princess dress she’d be wearing that day (or particular hour).”

He expressed gratitude for being Hallie’s parent alongside his wife, Jen, and mentioned how their 6-year-old daughter, Olivia, was blessed with “the best baby sister.” Hallie’s joys included painting, a variety of chips, wearing rain boots, and her family.

Kyed urged others to learn from Hallie’s determination, saying, “If you can take anything from Hallie today, it’s to know exactly what you want and to be persistent in asking for it, whether it’s going on a walk, ride in the car or wearing a particular Disney dress (usually Cruella).” He shared his longing to continue expressing his love for her through simple gestures like rubbing her hair and kissing her head.

In a text message to on Jan. 22, Kyed reflected on Hallie’s resilience, saying, “She really went through so much, and she was braver and stronger than I know I could have been.” He detailed the numerous medical procedures she endured, including anesthesia for lumbar punctures or MRIs, daily eye drops after disease was found in her eye, and shots for a blood clot in her arm. Despite these challenges, he marveled at her ability to find joy every day.

Kyed recounted the initial symptoms leading to Hallie’s cancer diagnosis: a rash and swollen lymph nodes, initially mistaken for an infection. After persistent symptoms and odd bruising, bloodwork led to her admission to Boston Children’s Hospital for chemotherapy.

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer characterized by the production of abnormal white blood cells in the bone marrow. It’s the second most common pediatric blood cancer, though still relatively rare, with about 500 cases annually in the U.S. among children aged 0 to 14, as explained by Dr. Richard Aplenc from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.