Nurse Has Bad News If You Set Multiple Alarms To Wake Up

Nurse Has Bad News If You Set Multiple Alarms To Wake Up

A nurse has advised against setting multiple alarms in the morning, explaining that it can disrupt your REM cycle and lead to negative effects on your health. Known as sleep inertia, the frequent interruptions from multiple alarms can cause increased drowsiness, fatigue, mood swings, and elevated cortisol levels, putting your body into a stressful “fight or flight” response each time an alarm goes off. Instead, it’s recommended to wake up with a single alarm to avoid these issues.

TikTok nurse Jordan emphasized that multiple alarms negatively impact the deeper stages of sleep, where the body truly recovers and dreams occur. She urged people to wake up immediately when their first alarm goes off to prevent the negative consequences associated with disrupted REM cycles. The nurse’s advice aims to help individuals achieve a more restful and uninterrupted sleep, ultimately improving their overall well-being.


Good sleep hygiene is a big part of my physical and mental health. I promise I would not be in the shape I am in without doing some serious research in the deep sleep department. Don’t cause yourself extra physical and mental stress. Excess cortisol levels make you gain and hang on to weight. So when the alarm goes off, it’s time, get up. You’ll look and feel better! #fyp #sleep #sleephygiene #cortisol #cortisollevels #healthylifestyle #healthcoach #lifecoach #nursecoach

? original sound – Jordan

Many people enjoy the feeling of going back to sleep after the first alarm, but this habit can be detrimental. Comments on the nurse’s video revealed that some individuals set alarms at regular intervals, often needing several to finally wake up. Alternatives like Sunrise alarm clocks, which gradually increase light to wake you gently, were suggested as more pleasant and less stressful ways to wake up.


The nurse’s tips include placing the alarm clock away from the bed to force oneself to get up and turn it off. This simple change can encourage a more consistent and healthier wake-up routine, promoting better sleep quality and overall health. By following these recommendations, individuals can improve their mornings and reduce the negative impact of disrupted sleep cycles.