Olivia Rodrigo Under Fire For Handing Out Plan B Pills To Fans At Show

Olivia Rodrigo Under Fire For Handing Out Plan B Pills To Fans At Show
Credit: Shutterstock

At a recent concert in St. Louis, pop sensation Olivia Rodrigo took her commitment to reproductive health care a step further by distributing free Plan B and condoms to her fans. This initiative is part of her Fund 4 Good campaign, launched during her “GUTS” world tour, aiming to provide female fans with essential reproductive health care resources.

Rodrigo’s move comes in the wake of Missouri’s near-total abortion ban post the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, making her gesture not just generous but also politically charged. Along with the emergency contraceptives, concertgoers received information on funding abortion care in the U.S. and a contact number for those considering pregnancy termination.

The “Drivers License” singer’s actions have ignited a flurry of reactions online. While some critics have voiced their displeasure with her pro-choice stance, a substantial number of supporters have lauded her for taking a firm stand on such a crucial issue, proving that she’s not just about catchy tunes but also about meaningful activism.

By pledging a portion of her ticket sales to the National Network of Abortion Funds, Rodrigo is ensuring that her support for reproductive rights isn’t just vocal—it’s financial, too. Her bold stance, especially in a state with stringent abortion laws, underscores her dedication to not only entertaining her fans but also educating and supporting them in significant ways.

As this pop star continues to make waves both on and off the stage, she’s redefining what it means to be a celebrity in today’s world—not just an entertainer, but a powerful voice for change, willing to put her popularity to good use in advocating for women’s health and rights.