Philadelphia Couple Ends Up In River While Having Sex In Car

Philadelphia Couple Ends Up In River While Having Sex In Car
CBS Philadelphia

A couple in Philadelphia had an unexpected adventure when their intimate encounter in a 2020 Range Rover led them to accidentally drive into the Schuylkill River. The incident occurred at around 4:15 AM when one of them accidentally knocked the gear shift, causing the car to roll into the water. Despite the mishap, both individuals managed to escape from the SUV unharmed.

Philadelphia Police confirmed that the couple was engaged in a private moment when the accident happened. Fortunately, there were no injuries, and no charges have been filed against them. By 9 AM, the car was retrieved from the river near the Strawberry Mansion Bridge.

It seems the couple’s only consequence was getting wet and having their vehicle submerged, but they escaped any legal repercussions. This unusual event highlights the risks of becoming too distracted behind the wheel, even when parked.