Professor at Harvard Figured Out How to Increase Chances of Winning Lottery

Professor at Harvard Figured Out How to Increase Chances of Winning Lottery

Feeling lucky? Well, hold onto your lottery tickets because a Harvard professor has just cranked up the dial on our hopes and dreams with some mathematically-backed advice on how to (slightly) increase your odds of winning the lottery. Before you start planning your yacht purchase, let’s dive into the odds: a staggering one in 302.5 million for snagging the Mega Millions jackpot. So, for those of us dreaming of swimming in a vault of gold coins, Scrooge McDuck style, the reality check might be a tad sobering.

As both the Mega Millions and Powerball jackpots soar to a heart-palpitating $400 million this weekend, lottery fever is catching on faster than a cat video goes viral. But how do you boost your chances of transforming your bank account from a modest piggy bank to a full-blown treasure chest? According to Dr. Mark Glickman, a statistics professor at Harvard, the strategy is as simple as it is obvious: buy more tickets. That’s right, the secret sauce to increasing your lottery luck is to multiply your entries. Groundbreaking? Not exactly. But who are we to argue with Harvard?

Dr. Glickman’s logic is as straightforward as it gets: your odds of winning don’t change whether you pick your lucky numbers or let the machine do it for you. The only way to tilt the scale in your favor, even by a minuscule amount, is to up the number of tickets you play. So, if you thought wearing your lucky underwear or performing a rain dance would get you closer to the jackpot, it might be time to revisit your strategy (or, you know, keep doing your thing if it makes you happy).

Georgia Tech’s School of Mathematics faculty member Dr. Lew Lefton echoes a similar sentiment, suggesting that while playing the lottery can be a fun fantasy, it’s essential to gamble responsibly. After all, the odds of winning are akin to finding a needle in a haystack—a haystack the size of Texas, perhaps.

In an era where some people seem to have all the luck (looking at you, person who won the lottery twice), the rest of us mere mortals can only dream. But hey, dreaming is free, and as long as you’re spending what you can afford to lose, who’s to say you can’t enjoy the thrill of the “what if”?

In the grand scheme of things, whether you’re a math whiz or someone who just likes the color of the scratch-off tickets, the lottery is a game of chance, pure and simple. So, the next time you’re standing in line to buy a ticket, remember: the real jackpot is enjoying the little things in life—like fantasizing about what you’d do if you won, even if the odds are one in a gazillion.